
Growing Pains

The observation of others compelled me to write these words. As I studied individuals and their relationships, I wondered what some must feel... what must be going through their minds. I discovered sadness, happiness, and growing pains.

I miss the smiles.
Now it's half-hearted smiles.

So I cherish the smiles I do see, and pray for more.

I miss seeing you happy.

Now I see you sad.

So I try to cheer you up.

I miss the laughs.
Now it's few laughs.

So I cherish the laughs I do see and experience.

I miss the heart-to-heart talks.
Now our chats are surface.

So I try to give them some meaning.

I miss the midnight conversations.

Now nights are quiet.
So I try to appreciate a long night's sleep.

I miss the daytime conversations.

Now days are without them.

So I learn to focus on other things.

I miss knowing I'll see you in a day.

Now I wonder if I'll get to see you at all.

So I look forward to whenever I will see you again.

I miss hearing about the little things in your life.

Now I hear about a few surface things.

So I hope that all is well.

I miss you being there when I need a shoulder.

Now no one is there when I cry.

So I try to let God dry my tears.

I miss not being able to tell all because you don't have time.

Now I am quiet to respect your time schedule.

So I realize that not all needs to be said.

I miss the accountability.

Now I have no one with whom to share triumphs or failures.

So I try to find joy in myself.

I miss knowing how you really feel.
Now I never know how you really feel.
So I hope and pray for you.

I miss the bubbly personality.

Now my friend has become dim.

So I hope and pray for the sunshine again.